Gorokhovets District Administration
Municipal formation Gorokhovetsky district is located in the eastern part of the Vladimir region. The length of the area from north to south is 72 km, from west to east is 28 km. The area of the district occupies 149 thousand hectares.
The Klyazma river at its lower reaches and the Oka river run through the area.
The center of the area is the town of Gorokhovets. Gorokhovets is situated on the right bank of the river Klyazma. This is one of the most interesting ancient towns in Russia. Unique civil and religious constructions and town-planning complexes are concentrated here.
Gorokhovets is one of few towns which have preserved the original civil architecture of the XVII century: 3 monasteries, 7 churches and 7 merchant houses. In the town there are 4 monuments of architecture of the XIX century in the Art Nouveau style, as well as two monuments of archeology ("grove" and "bald mountain"). The city has preserved the old layout to the present day.
Exhibition Fairground
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