  • GPS-game in Tallinn

GPS-game in Tallinn

 Come and play in the Old Town of Tallinn!
Play alone or with a friend

  Good health lover! ツ 

Glad to see you've decided to take part in our game, which will give you the opportunity to get active and learn something new!

Before you start, read the instructions on how to play the quiz.

You will need to:

A smart device - phone or tablet.
Internet connection
A mobile phone or tablet or tablet PC or tablet PC.
A happy mood! :)

1 device = 1 player
Each participant can play the quiz once.
You need to be in Tallinn Old Town to start the game.

Game play:

Permission to use the GPS will be requested when starting the game. To start the game, you will be asked for permission.

*If you have IOS, additional permission may be required in some cases.

See here

Click start and the game is on!

A map of Tallinn's Old Town will appear on your smart device with 16 points marked with multiple choice questions.
In order to see the question, you have to move to the point indicated on the map, where the question related to the location will pop up.
You can choose the order in which you pass the points. But do it cleverly, because not only the correct answers are measured, but also the time taken to complete the points.
For each question you answer correctly, you get a different number of points according to the difficulty of the question.

End of the game:

The game ends when all the points are passed and the questions are answered.
There is no time limit and the game is accessible to all.
At the end of the game there is a form where you can enter your details to record your results. The results of the game will be sent to the registered e-mail.


To make the game fun, bring some friends and compete against each other in speed and knowledge!

At the end of the game, each participant will receive an email with the results of the course.

You can compare:

who passed the points faster
who did the best
who scored more points for correct answers?
We will be very happy if you leave us feedback after the game and also share information about the game on social media.

Good luck and good mood! 


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22 173


Soovitame Soovitame