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Register for Mental Health First Aid training!

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The fair offer is 42€!

You can register on our website

Can you spot behaviours indicative of mental health concerns in a friend, relative, acquaintance or colleague? Do you know what to say and how to say it if you notice someone's mental health difficulties? How do you react when someone shares a concern with you? How and where to go if you need to talk about mental health issues?

"The Mental Health First Aid training will look at how to support the people around you. Both those who share their own mental health concerns and those who notice something but don't know exactly if and how to approach. We'll talk about the important role that reducing stigma, supportive listening, encouraging the use of professional help and introducing self-help options play in this.

The total duration of the training is 11 hours, of which 1,5 hours is independent work. The training will take place in a Zoom environment and in Estonian*. It is expected that participants will be able to participate in at least 90% of the training.

  • On the first day of the training, the lessons will be 2x2h
  • On day II of the training, the lessons will be 2x2h
  • In the intermediate period there will be independent practice of what has been learned
  • Day III: 1,5h - reflection on the practical training

Thecost of the training is 35€ + VAT or 42€ in total.

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Social Affairs and generous donors, we can offer you a discounted price for the training.

For more information about the training:

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