  • Association "Resorts of Bashkortostan
Stand : F1002
Russia, Povolzhye region

The vast expanses of the Russian land are immense, and immeasurable riches lurk in its depths. Among the majestic mountain ranges and endless steppes, blue lakes and rushing rivers, bordered by primordial forests stretches Bashkortostan. Since ancient times it attracts springs of healing mineral waters, thermal vapors and gases, therapeutic mud, magic koumiss and wild honey. The time flows here in a measured way: young, heady spring is replaced by mature, hot summer, intoxicating with aromas of berries and meadow flowers. Softly stepping purple autumn, shimmering gold. Behind her the fluffy winter with the crunch of snow, with crackling frosts and snowstorms, patterned painted trees.

The Republic of Bashkortostan will leave an indelible imprint in the soul of anyone who visits this wonderful land - a land of legends and fairy tales, the magical world of lakes and rivers, the unique beauty of mountains and feathery steppes. Charming sounds of kurai and graceful dances of Bashkir beauties, herds of frisky racers and prowess of Bashkir dzhigits are known far beyond the homeland of kumys and Bashkir honey.

The heroic history of our land, its inimitable natural beauty, its countless natural riches, its rich folklore, way of life and the customs of the local population have attracted Pushkin, Dahl and A.I. since ancient times, Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and many other prominent writers and poets. "The land here is beautiful, just emerging from its age of virginity in its wealth, health and especially in the simplicity and non-perversity of the people...", - Leo Tolstoy rapturously spoke about our land in his work. Since then Bashkir nature has undergone almost no changes. Breaking out of the city and plunging into the magic world of Bashkir nature, you will feel as if you went back hundreds of years. You will step on the same ground as your ancestors. You will breathe the same air, which man breathed many centuries ago. Because the main advantage of the Bashkir nature is its purity, its untouched nature.

For nature lovers and tourists this is a paradise - more than 13 thousands rivers with total length of 57 thousand km, 800 lakes, many mountain ranges, several huge state nature reserves, national nature park, more than 300 karst caves, more than 4500 monuments of history and culture.

The natural treasure of the Republic of Bashkortostan is its healing resources, on the basis of which splendid European-class health resorts are created there. Many sanatoriums operate here, each with unique natural healing factors.

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Konstantin Petrovich Frolov
Konstantin Petrovich Frolov

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