  • LLC TK Perekrestok
Stand : F3301
Russia, Northwest region

Tourist company "Perekriostok" is a tour operator on domestic tourism and has been working in the tourism market for 15 years. The company's office is located in Vologda.

The main areas of our work are:

  • Reception of schoolchildren in the Vologda region. Development of educational and entertaining routes, careful attention to transportation safety, the selection of the best tour guides who find common ground with children and involve them in the process of study and research.
  • Service and reception of mass events for children: festivals, competitions, gatherings. Years of experience allows us to perfectly build the logistics of the routes, our guests have time not only to take part in the main event, but also to see the local beauty and attractions in a full and exciting format.
  • Reception of individual tourists and groups in the Vologda region. In the shortest time we work out a program of tourist reception on your request, take into account all your wishes, keeping the balance of "price - quality".
  • Working out author's tours. Reception of VIP guests. Our company has experience in working with VIP-guests, performance of almost any unusual wish of the client: a trip on a threehorse sleigh in the Sobornaya hill, tea drinking from a samovar with the prior of the monastery, a dinner in an old mansion with dishes prepared by the old Vologda recipes.
  • Reception and organization of any corporate event. Services to delegations, conferences, business and entertainment.
  • Reception of foreign tourists.
Views count
2 896
г. Вологда, ул. Ветошкина 36-401

Contact Persons

Ksenia Koricheva
Ksenia Koricheva
Tatyana Ivanova
Tatyana Ivanova
Domestic tourism consultant

Exhibition Fairground

г. Вологда, ул. Ветошкина 36-401

Activity type

Type of tourism
