  • Polaris Tourist Excursion Company, Ltd
Stand : F33a01
Russia, Siberia and Far East

We have been in the market since 1999! We are the only tour operator for domestic tourism in Tomsk, whose partner is the Russian Geographical Society.

We offer a wide range of services:

  • Excursions in Tomsk and Tomsk region;
  • Tours of Russia and abroad;
  • Reception of foreign guests of the city;
  • Air and rail tickets;
  • School tourism.

Siberia is a mysterious land, rich in wonderful nature, harsh climate and strong-minded people. In the vast expanses of Siberia millions of Russians and foreigners have found their way and their inspiration.

In the embrace of the taiga - in the heart of Siberia for over four hundred years stands the eternally young and beautiful Tomsk. And now it hospitably invites you to feel the Siberian spirit, becoming part of the great energy ...

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2 737
Томск, проспект Ленина, 75

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Contact Persons

Julia Kaliuzhnaya
Julia Kaliuzhnaya

Exhibition Fairground

Томск, проспект Ленина, 75

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