
Amazing Dagestan


There are many amazing places in the world that stir the imagination, but few have guessed that there is a land where the past and the present are inseparable from each other. Creating a new reality, where it is enough to take one step to go back to the past - a place where people live above the clouds, where traditions and customs of ancestors are honored to this day, where honor and dignity are not just words, but the meaning of life. This is a country of mountains that really takes your breath away.

For many centuries Dagestan has been praised by poets, writers and artists. Everyone who has ever visited Dagestan has been surprised not only by the beauty of this land, but by its originality. It should be noted that this mountainous territory is home to many different peoples, each with its own unique culture.

In peace and harmony, adopting the best from each other about 120 nationalities, glorify the history of their ancestors. In different periods of history, conquest of this territory, each of which has its own unique culture fought, the Huns, the Persians, the Arabs.

In the Caucasus they say: "That a hero dies once, but a coward a hundred times".

That is why courage and selflessness are revered here.

Since childhood, boys are taught to defend their land, and girls are taught to be dignified mountain girls. Such values are reflected in the life and culture of the mountaineers.

However, it should be noted that Dagestan is home not only to people of different nationalities, but also to people of different faiths.

This land brings together representatives of different religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

The oldest temple and mosques are located in Derbent.

Who haven't seen this city you haven't seen the world, because Derbent is one of the most ancient cities. Its history is several thousand years old. During this time Derbent has witnessed many events.

The streets of the old city of Derbent give it a special atmosphere. Life passes slowly, armoires filled with tea, music and good humor, everything you need for life.

From the fortress you can clearly see the largest ancient mosque in Russia. Juma Mosque is a rectangular building stretching from east to west. Entrances are on the west, north, and south facades, shaped as portals. There were seven synagogues and prayer halls in Derbent at the beginning of the 20th century.

Gamsutl standing on the mountain peaks and afflicted with them for hundreds of years. Kola - Korish, which is a labyrinth of ancient buildings terraced down from the tops of the mountains. Of course, Dagestan is a country of mountains, their diversity is striking, they create a unique flavor.

And, in the distance you can see the snowy peaks, but can mountains be without waterfalls. The land of waterfalls is called the Khunzakh region in Tselotinsky canyon. Five waterfalls are permanent.

The first three waterfalls are located near the village of Arani, the second two are located in the village of Hunzakh. In winter, only two waterfalls are functioning, the rest are frozen, forming icicles.

Undoubtedly, one of the favorite places of our guests is Sulak Canyon. The beauty of the canyon is impressive and its scale is mesmerizing. It is considered the deepest canyon in the world, 1900 m, which is much deeper than the famous Grand Canyon in Colorado.

Dagestan is the only place on earth with such a variety of natural complexes.

The pearl of Dagestan is the only liana forest in Russia. There are huge trees, tall grass, evergreen lianas. Samur forest is located in Magaramken district.

Barkhan Sarykum is officially recognized by geologists as the second largest. Its length is 12 km., scientists still can't explain its origin and that's why many legends and traditions are connected with Barkhan.

Of course, the Dagestan land is not only unique nature, but above all the people who create this beauty.

The art of carpet weaving in Daghestan has its roots in the depth of centuries on the territory of the republic there was almost no place where they did not weave different kinds of products. The most valuable is considered to be a carpet made of dyed with natural dyes, wool. To check the quality of just weaved carpets a herd of horses was passed through and after that the products were kept for several days under the scorching sun rays.

But afterwards the carpets were dipped into the water and left there for some time; if after all the tests the carpets didn't lose their properties, it was considered that the carpet weaver had worked in glory. Translated with (free version)

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Dmitry Filonenko
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