Shorsky National Park
Shorsky National Park is a specially protected natural area of federal significance. The national park was formed on December 27, 1989 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR № 386 "On creation of the Shorsky state natural national park in the Kemerovo region" for the purpose of preservation and restoration of unique natural complexes and objects of the Mountain Shoria.
The total area of the national park is 414,306 hectares. The park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region and occupies one third of the Tashtagolsky district. The mountain ranges Abakansky and Biyskaya Griva separate its territory from Khakassia and the Altai Mountains.
The highest marks on the territory of the national park are Mount Kubez (1555 m) and Mount Lysukha (1648 m). The main waterway is the Mrassu River, the length of which within the borders of the park is 181 km.
Exhibition Fairground
Participating with