  • Shoria
Stand : F901
Russia, Siberia and Far East

Tour operator for domestic and inbound tourism, RTO 007300. Winner of the ASI contest "Open Your Russia". Participant of the tourist cashback program. Reception in Sheregesh, tours to Gornaya Shoria. Ski tourism, package tours and hotels in the resort of Sheregesh, MICE, ethnic and ecotourism, online booking module for excursions and tours.

Novelties of winter season: package tours to Sheregesh with skiing technique training, extended excursion program: dog sledding, to taiga on snowmobiles, to Yeti cave, to visit indigenous people - Shorians by helicopter. Route-winner of the ASI competition "Open Your Russia," a nominee for the status of the National Tourist Route - an active ethnic tour "Mountain Shoria. To the children of taiga.

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3 098
Кемеровская область, Таштагольский р-н, поселок Шерегеш, ул. Снежная, 44

Contact Persons

Name Surname
Name Surname
+7 (905) 079 03 33
+7 (906) 977 34 64
Natali Ailarova
Name Surname
Name Surname
+7 (913) 320 54 11
+7 (913) 320 54 11

Exhibition Fairground

Кемеровская область, Таштагольский р-н, поселок Шерегеш, ул. Снежная, 44

Participating with

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Type of tourism
