  • Municipal budgetary institution "Agency for Tourism, Investment and Entrepreneurship Development" (MBU "ARTIP")
Stand : F901
Russia, Northwest region

Promoting the development of tourism, effective small and medium-sized businesses and a favorable investment climate in Mezhdurechensk city district.

At the moment MBU "ARTIP" is the only tour operator in Mezhdurechensk and is engaged in the development of domestic and inbound tourism.

We won the national competition for the creation of tourist and recreational clusters with the project "Tourist and recreational cluster perspective development"Mezhdurechensk, participation in international and national tourism exhibitions, the creation of events of the regional level.

With great pleasure we invite you to our city to enjoy the beauty of Taiga and hospitality!

Tourist Directory Mezhdurechenskogo urban district

Views count
2 905
Междуреченск, проспект Строителей, 30

Contact Persons

Vyacheslav Momot
Vyacheslav Momot

Exhibition Fairground

Междуреченск, проспект Строителей, 30

Participating with

Activity type

Type of tourism
