- Tour operator "Light" Ltd
- Cultural and educational route "Through Lermontov's places"
Cultural and educational route "Through Lermontov's places"
Familiarization with Lermontov's places of Pyatigorsk resort city:
- The lake "Proval", which is mentioned in the story "Princess Mary" of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". In Lermontov's time Proval was a favorite place for walks of the "water society".
- Walk through the Emmanuel Park, the main decoration of which is the "Aeolian Harp" gazebo.
- Other sights: Academic Gallery, Goryachaya Mountain, Tsvetnik Park, Lermontov Grotto, Lermontov Gallery, Diana Grotto, Restoration, the place of Lermontov's duel. Excursion to the Lermontov State Museum Reserve "Lermontov's House".
Introduction to the Lermontov places of the resort city of Kislovodsk:
- A visit to the Kislovodsk local history museum "Fortress", a walk along the Lermontov embankment, along which the "water society" once strolled.
- The Lermontov Place, erected on the site of the first public hotel.
- Visiting the Narzanaya Gallery, where there is a spring of narcan, there is a spring of narzan, which existed during Lermontov's stay in Kislovodsk.
Acquaintance with Lermontov's places of Zheleznovodsk city-resort:
- Lermontov visited Zheleznovodsk several times. Here Lermontov also spent here Lermont spent the last night of his life, the night before the duel with Major Martynov.
- The main sights of the city associated with M. Lermontov: Lermontov Spring, Lermontov Square, Pushkin Gallery.
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