- City Tourism Center - Staraya Russa
- Excursion tour for students "Journey to Staraya Russa" 2 days/1 night (5-9 grade)
Excursion tour for students "Journey to Staraya Russa" 2 days/1 night (5-9 grade)
Staraya Russa is a small provincial town, whose history began more than 1,000 years ago with the discovery of salt springs. Thanks to the salt production the town has been one of the richest in Russia for a long time
Program of the tour:
- excursion to the Museum of Regional Studies
- Sightseeing tour of the town of Staraya Russa
- Excursion in the house-museum of F.M. Dostoevsky
- Walking tour of the oldest balneal resort in Central Russia
- Excursion-quest at the museum-reconstruction "The Manor of a Medieval Rusanian
- A master class on making twist dolls
- Visit to the samovars museum
- Excursion to the North-Western Front Museum
Views count
1 807
Cost: group 15+2 7000 rubles/person.
group 25+2 5,500 rubles/person
35+2 group 4900 rubles/person
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Москва, ЦВК «Экспоцентр», Краснопресненская наб., 14