- City Tourism Center - Staraya Russa
- Excursion tour for schoolchildren "Big writer's small town" 2 days/1 night (7-9 grade)
Excursion tour for schoolchildren "Big writer's small town" 2 days/1 night (7-9 grade)
Staraya Russa is impossible without Dostoevsky and Dostoevsky without Staraya Russa. There are 2 of 6 museums devoted to the life of the great classic of Russian literature. Exactly here Dostoevsky family came for vacation.
Program of the tour:
- Excursion to the Local History Museum,
- Dostoevsky's Russe" walking tour
- Theatrical tour of the house-museum of F.M. Dostoevsky with Nanny Prokhorovna
- A walk through the oldest balneological resort in central Russia
- Theatrical quest "Who Killed Fedor Pavlovich?
- A visit to the museum of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov
Master Class "A Letter from the Past
Views count
1 852
Duration: 2 days/1 night
Cost: group 15+2 7000 rubles/person.
25+2 group 5500 rubles/person
group 35+2 4900 rubles per person
*The price can be recalculated taking into account transportation service (on request). Extra cost
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Москва, ЦВК «Экспоцентр», Краснопресненская наб., 14