- City Tourism Center - Staraya Russa
- Excursion program for schoolchildren "All the salt of Rousse" (5-9 grades)
Excursion program for schoolchildren "All the salt of Russa" (grades 5-9)
Staraya Russa is one of the oldest and once richest towns in Russia. The main source of its wealth was salt, which was evaporated from the local springs that gush out of the ground here
- Excursion to the Old Russian Local Lore Museum;
- Sightseeing bus tour of the city;
- Walk around the resort "Staraya Russa"
- Interactive program in the museum-reconstruction "The Manor of a medieval Ruthenian".
Views count
1 934
Group 15+2- 950 rubles/person.
Group 25+2- 850 rubles/person
Group 35+2- 750 rubles/person.
More Expo showcases
Exhibition Fairground
Москва, ЦВК «Экспоцентр», Краснопресненская наб., 14