  • Department of Tourism of the Belgorod region
Stand : F803

The Department of Tourism of the Belgorod region is an executive body of the Belgorod region, which implements within its powers the state policy in the field of tourism.

The functions of the Department:

- ensuring the process of development, adjustment, monitoring and control of the implementation of subprogram 4 "Development of tourism, crafts and roadside service" of the state program of the Belgorod region "Development of economic potential and formation of a favorable business climate in the Belgorod region", approved by the Government of the Belgorod region from December 16, 2013 № 522-pp, other state programs of the Belgorod region, which include subprograms and activities in the tourism sector;

- the implementation of measures of the regional component of federal projects included in the national project "Tourism and hospitality industry";

- formation of tourism rating of municipalities in the Belgorod region;

- implementation of interaction with the Federal Agency for Tourism;

- implementation of measures to create a system of navigation and orientation in the field of tourism in the Belgorod Region;

- assistance in the movement of tourist products of the Belgorod Region in the domestic and global tourism markets;

- implementing measures to support priority areas of tourism development in the Belgorod Region;

- organizing and conducting activities in the field of tourism at the regional and intermunicipal level;

on September 27, 2021, the regional state autonomous institution "Center for Tourism and Hospitality of the Belgorod region" was established, which performs the functions of the tourist information center of the Belgorod region (providing a set of information and consulting services to all stakeholders, the formation of a common information space in the tourism industry, the promotion of tourism potential of the region in the domestic and foreign markets).

Provision of tourist information services, holding tourist events, popularization of tourist resources and folk arts and crafts, information and analytical activities and marketing research, monitoring of tourist processes and others.

One of the main types of tourism in the region is cultural and educational. Its military-historical direction is conditioned by the whole history of the region from the Belgorod feature of the XVII century to the Battle of Kursk. Museum-reserve "Prokhorov Field", museum-diorama "The Battle of Kursk. Belgorod direction", the open-air museum "Belgorod Line - Muravsky Shlyakh", the fortress city "Yablonov" and the historical and cultural complex "New Sloboda" are among the most visited tourist attractions in the region. Tourist "magnets" of the region are united by tourist and excursion routes. The tourist route "Zapovednoe Belogorye" is recommended by the Expert Council for realization of the program for promotion of tourist routes in the sphere of domestic tourism under the Federal Agency for Tourism for assigning it the national status.

Special attention should be paid to event tourism, which is represented by a number of events of various formats, many of which have become "visiting cards" of the region:

The air festival "The Sky of Belogorye", the military-historical festival "Summer of the 43rd", the educational festival of historical reconstruction "Belgorod feature", the interregional folklore festivals "Hotmyzhskaya Autumn", "Summer Red", "Kholkovsky Spolokh" and many others. The festival of dumplings, held in January 2022, is recognized as the most massive festival of dumplings in the world.

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3 257
Белгород, ул. Королёва, 2А

Department of Tourism of the Belgorod region

Iya Stanislavovna Podzolkova
Iya Stanislavovna Podzolkova
Head of the Department of Tourism of the Belgorod region
Eugene Ershov
Eugene Ershov
Director of the Belgorod Tourism Center

Exhibition Fairground

Белгород, ул. Королёва, 2А

Activity type
