  • Association "TURPOSH"

Providing emergency assistance to tourists in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activity in the Russian Federation" and the Charter of the Association.

The Association "TURPOMOCHA" will take care of every tourist who is in a difficult situation due to the financial insolvency of the tour operator, a member of the Association. The establishment of "TOURPOST" allowed protecting the Russian tourist not only through the mechanism of financial guarantees, but also through prompt assistance to the affected travelers.

If you go on a trip abroad, do not forget to check whether your tour operator joined "TURPOMOSHCH". It is very easy to do. Just click the tab "Register of Tour Operators" on our website and enter the name of the company, which formed your tourist package, in the search box.

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Москва, ул. Мясницкая, дом 47