- All exhibitors 2024
- LaPaDuu │ A nature-friendly alternative to the food chain
Stand : B1-34

LaPaDuu │ A nature-friendly alternative to the food chain
LapaDuu wax clothing. Store your leftover food in a handmade, eco-friendly, 100% biodegradable and reusable (yes, really washable and long-lasting) and pretty LapaDuu.
it's mouldable with the warmth of your hand and super convenient to put around anything and even as a lid for bowls, pots to protect food from drying out. As an added bonus, thanks to the magical properties of beeswax, the LapaDuudes keep edibles REALLY fresh for a long time. LapaDuu keeps nature alive in your fridge and on our planet.
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12 665
19 Days to Go
Opening on 01.04.25
Interior 2025